Unsolved Mysteries Vintage

Unsolved Mysteries Vintage

Picture a Carolina gal in the early 90’s, 12 yrs old, first paycheck…headed straight to the strip mall for CD’s and the Goodwill! Heather's first obsessions were music, dance, vests (??!!!), and pets of course - always pets.  

Heather, owner of Unsolved Mysteries Vintage, is a long time Brooklynite: part time bartender, crafter, and general risk taker. Her business began quite possibly because she had collected too much and just couldn't seem to stop. She genuinely loves science and plants as much as a great jacket and her ability to turn down a good vintage tee is nonexistent. 

Heather believes there’s good style and intrigue from every decade and those are the pieces she seeks to share. She wears it all and will mix up her racks just the same, though she is mostly drawn to the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. Give Heather some good textures and as much denim and chunky silver as possible! 

UMV’s style is “crazy sexy cool” (thank you, TLC) but also garage rock and disco babe. Possibly hard to imagine, so just come see! It’s about having fun with, and in, your clothes... and in case there’s suddenly a dance party to attend, you’ll be good to go. 

Check out UMV's Instagram here.

Shop Unsolved Mysteries Vintage at all locations.