OK Vintage

OK Vintage

Welcome to the collection of OK Vintage!

Kay Weiner has been a textile designer in the fashion industry for the last 15 years. Throughout her career she has accrued many inspirational pieces for her clients. About four years ago, Kay figured it was time to share some of them with you too.

OK Vintage is made up of pieces from all different decades - 70s to contemporary, mostly. As you can see, Kay is drawn to prints and colors. Designer to no name brands; casual to super sexy. She believes that if it makes you smile, you should wear it! Even better if it makes you laugh (she's also the vendor that sells the tiny dicks by the counter).

Kay also hand paints vintage items in her spare time, and is often at our three different locations with her floofy canine associate, Shirley. IYKYK. She hopes to see you soon!

Check out OK Vintage's Instagram here.

Shop OK Vintage at all locations.